DJ Forrest had a successful first appearance at the Houston Auto Show this year. Without a doubt, the marketing team over at Chrysler/Jeep had the most exciting and talked about display this year. They had a full obstacle course with 30 foot ramp with severEangles, and setups to show off the offroad capabilities. Great photos were taken by all!
In addition to the eyecatching display, they had the only booth with live music, and DJ Forrest with Xceptional DJ’s provided the hits each day from Wednesday-Sunday!
Here is a silly breakdown of Forrest’s weekend:
Number of minutes DJed (3,060), Number of former clients seen (6), Number of old friends seen (20), Business cards given out (70), Number of songs played (over 1,200), Number of compliments on the music (100+), Amount spent on Chic Fillet ($80), Amount spent on parking ($50), 1 power supply destroyed for my Mixdeck ($125), New lifelong friends made (40), Kids now inspired to become DJ’s (15), Number of times Gangham Style Played ( only 3), Number of times had to sit down due to numb feet (12), Number of additional shows booked while DJing at the show (3), Number of pairs of skinny jeans seen (1000+), Number of moms dressed for the club while pushing baby strollers (100+), New DJ contacts met (5), Estimated music ratio- (15% oldies, 15% disco, 30% top 40, 5% hip hop, 20% classic rock, 15% country)
- Severe Angle to show off the offroad
- Legendary Country artist Tracy Byrd stopped by and DJ Forrest played Tracy’s greatest hits as he signed autographs and gave out CDs!
- DJ Forrest has to pause the music for the Anderson Cooper Show
- Forrest finally gets to ride the obstacle course on the last day
- Severe angle of 35 degrees straight up
- I look down from the top
- Heading straight down